The Gunadule people since ancient times have contributed with their culture, history and sacred knowledge to the national society. Their clerks, known as siggwimar or secretaries, have played a preponderant role in Guna identity since the arrival of the Europeans; with greater preponderance in the 20th century as guides, advisers, translators and writers to preserve history and culture, consolidating their autonomy, territory, and culture. These contributions were made in advance long before the training of Panamanian anthropologists at a university.
Diggasurgus gunadulemar yarsuigga binsaed ugdi e daniggidba. Siggwimar gunadormar diggasurgus na burbagi sunmagdaniggi, na san bendagggedgi summagdaniggi española sordamar noniggid a ibagi, we siggwimar sibganga idudinanasa, odulodi nanasa, narmagdi nanasa na daed, na daniggid sabguega. Aulale, siggwimar na yar wargwensed ogannoniggi, na e burba ogannoniggi. Anba yoo, wagmar ibdurdaggeunni, anba yoo wagmar galu dummagangi dogeunni baddo siggwi dulemardi bad arbanai.
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