My role as an anthropologist mentoring Ngäbe personas
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key informant
cultural broker
Ngäbe people

How to Cite

Joly Adames, L. G. (2024). My role as an anthropologist mentoring Ngäbe personas. Karakol, 4(1), 8–17. Retrieved from https://revistas.udelas.ac.pa/index.php/karakol/article/view/251


This essay explores the roles and characteristics that mentors should have in intercultural contexts, comparing them with key informants in ethnography. In anthropology, we identify three substantial elements in the mentor-protégé relationship: the Key Informant method, the concept of Cultural or Power Broker, and the event of the Liminal Period. These roles can be culturally influenced through personal skills or by exercising authority at different social levels. The purpose of this writing is to convey relevant knowledge, experiences, and advice to the protégé as a key informant, aiming to guide, instruct, and inspire their personal, academic, and professional development. Additionally, examples of mentorship in the Ngäbe community are presented, highlighting its positive impact on the protégé; education and professional development, emphasizing the importance of trust relationships and mutual support.

Kukwe ükaningrö

Kukwe ne tä dré nemen bare aune kükwe ügatde tä ñó, ni Dirikä, kukwe ngäbere aune ketdakabre botdä,abitdi ja tötikatda. Kukwe ni ngäberekwe botdä. Ye kändi abokän. Nemengä kore. Ni dirikä aune ni jatötikaka, ye bike sribire guayre kukkwe nebotdä. Ye bitdi ni meden tä dirire kukwe. Ngäbere botdä bike nemen.ütiotde dikara ,jutdä kä ngrabare te ,ye kändi abokä kukwe ño gare nié ,ni rebá dirire nfäbe mrägä nüne kä medatde ie. Bitdi ngäbe medá rebadre ja tötike. Kukwe ne erere kändi.

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