Academic procrastination and its relationship with anxiety in sixth semester students of the psychology degree at UDELAS, Panama headquarters


  • Edward Gómez Instituto de la Defensa Pública de Panamá, Órgano Judicial


anxiety, academic self-regulation, emotional self-regulation, emotions, academic procrastination, academic performance


Academic procrastination is based on the idea that homework causes a certain level of emotional distress, such as anxiety, and as a consequence the student postpones their academic activities. The objective of this article is to analyze the correlation between academic procrastination and trait anxiety. To collect the data, two evaluation instruments were applied using the Likert scale format, the first of them is the academic procrastination scale (EPA) adapted by Óscar Álvarez (2010), and the second instrument is the self-descriptive inventory of Trait anxiety (IDARE) by Gorsuch, Lushene, and Spielberger (1970). The selected population was 30 sixth-semester psychology undergraduate students. The results allow us to affirm that, if there is a relationship between academic procrastination and trait anxiety, the different dimensions and their correlations were analyzed, obtaining a very low positive correlation of 0.17 between the components of postponement of activities and the presence of anxiety, on the other hand, the dimensions of academic self-regulation and the presence of anxiety a low negative correlation of -0.26. In addition, to solve the problem studied, an intervention proposal was designed that consists of a program that provides tools such as emotional self-regulation and self-motivation, to address academic procrastination. As for the treatment of anxiety, relaxation techniques such as Mindfulness and Jacobson's progressive relaxation technique are included.


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How to Cite

Gómez, E. (2024). Academic procrastination and its relationship with anxiety in sixth semester students of the psychology degree at UDELAS, Panama headquarters. REDES, 1(16), 145–156. Retrieved from