Design of a multiple choice test development course using generative artificial intelligence


  • Sebastián Reyes Alvarado Sistema Nacional de Investigación, Universidad Santander


course, teachers, generative artificial intelligence, tests, multiple choice


Currently, there are several instruments that allow to generate an evaluation of student learning, among them, multiple choice tests stand out. At the same time, generative artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool that contributes significantly to andragogical processes. Therefore, the objective of this research was to design a course for university teachers on the elaboration of multiple-choice tests using generative artificial intelligence. This study was developed under a qualitative approach, based on an action-research design, using voluntary participant sampling in which 7 teachers belonging to a degree program in the health area of a private university participated; on the other hand, an interview guide and a template designed by the author were used as data collection instruments. As results, it was possible to corroborate that most of the teachers know how to design and apply multiple-choice tests, however, all of them had a low level of knowledge regarding generative artificial intelligence. In addition, with the results obtained, a pilot test of the course was designed and carried out. In conclusion, it was corroborated that the multiple-choice tests designed by the teachers themselves present incongruence between the topic or objective and the questions developed, in addition, there is confusion in the scope of the terms artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence, aspects corrected in the pilot test developed.


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How to Cite

Reyes Alvarado, S. (2025). Design of a multiple choice test development course using generative artificial intelligence. REDES, 1(17), 333–353. Retrieved from