Baseline of mathematical competencies for the promotion of active methodologies in primary education in the province of Veraguas, Panama
primary education, mathematics teaching, mathematical competencies, active methodologyAbstract
This research is oriented towards a mathematics teaching model that considers the competencies necessary for the critical and creative development of the students. the necessary competencies for the critical and creative development of students, in line with the National Government's in line with the Organic Law of Education of the National Government of Panama (1995). The objective of this study is to establish a baseline of mathematical competencies for primary schools in the province of Panama. the primary schools in the province of Veraguas; it was based on an initial diagnosis of the areas of greatest difficulty in the learning of mathematics. areas of greatest difficulty in the learning of this subject. The research was based on a mixed methodology with a non-experimental design. methodology with a non-experimental design of a single application, using a non-probability non-probabilistic convenience sampling with a sample of 100 teachers who participated in the questionnaire. the questionnaire, which was validated and validated. The key results of the research indicate that students present greater difficulties in the areas of the curriculum. difficulties in curriculum areas such as arithmetic (division and multiplication), geometry and statistics. multiplication), geometry and statistics; in relation to the didactic strategies, elaboration and guided in relation to didactic strategies, elaboration and guided practice predominated, as well as problem solving. It is concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the teaching methodology to improve the achievements in these areas of mathematics. achievements in these areas of mathematics.
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