Universal design for learning at the Special Vocational School of Panama

innovative educational accessibility


  • Reyna Elizabeth Rodríguez Universidad Especializada de las Américas (UDELAS), Facultad de Educación Especial y Pedagpogía, República de Panamá
  • Ana Aidé Cruz Grunebaum Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, República de Guatemala


pedagogical practices, universal design for Learning, Disability, Inclusive education


The objective of this study was to analyze the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and pedagogical practices at the Special Vocational School in the educational region of Panama. The institution serves students with disabilities at pre middle school, academic middle school, and technical levels in the educational regions of central and eastern Panama. The research employed a descriptive qualitative approach, using interviews and document review as data collection methods, followed by deductive analysis to generate categories. The sample consisted of 18 voluntary teachers, three principals/supervisors, and 17 documents of instructional sequences. It was identified that teachers have knowledge of UDL, but the principles of engagement, representation, action, and expression are applied superficially and in isolation. This underscores the need to prioritize ongoing training and support actions. The study aims to disseminate its findings to the authorities of the Panamanian Institute of Special Habilitation (IPHE), responsible for the education of students with disabilities in public schools nationwide. It proposes the implementation of technical training specifically on UDL to update specialized teachers at this institution. This approach aims to enhance educational quality and the effective inclusion of students with disabilities in the Panamanian educational system. These findings highlight the importance of not only having theoretical knowledge but also implementing inclusive and adaptive pedagogical practices that respond to the individual needs of students with disabilities, thereby promoting a more equitable and accessible educational environment.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, R. E., & Cruz Grunebaum, A. A. (2025). Universal design for learning at the Special Vocational School of Panama: innovative educational accessibility. REDES, 1(17), 29–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.udelas.ac.pa/index.php/redes/article/view/redes17-2