Risk factors associated with low back pain in teachers and administrative personnel at the administrative personnel at the UDELAS, Panama campus


  • Orlando A. Morales G. Universidad Especializada de las Américas (UDELAS), Facultad de Ciencias Médicas y Clínicas Ciudad de Panamá. República de Panamá.


low back pain, physical therapy, postural hygiene, risk factors, university community


In the Republic of Panama, data on low back pain are limited and most of them are focused on the population that involves a high demand of physical condition in their work place. Data on teachers and administrators are rarely mentioned. The objective of this study was to determine the risk factors associated with low back pain in teachers and administrative staff at the UDELAS Panama branch. It is an observational, analytical, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study. This study carried out a statistical analysis that allows identifying the magnitude of the factors associated with low back pain, as well as a clinical analysis of the symptomatology. Instruments were used to evaluate: ergonomics in the workplace, physical activity performed, muscle strength, body mass index (BMI), joint range, occupation, among others. The evaluation instrument was carried out by means of Google Forms for the risk factors and the part of symptomatology in a face-to-face manner, made up of six sections. Regarding the population, 41 took the virtual assessment and 25 of them took the face-to-face assessment. Regarding the results, the predominant risk factors were prolonged sitting time with a total of 68%, obesity with 64%, age between 46 and 55 years with 37%, female sex with 76% and little physical activity giving a percentage of 72% of the study sample. Regarding the results of the clinical characteristics, a decrease in strength in the left lower limb was found with 56% and a decrease in joint range in hip flexion with 72%, difficulty sleeping (26%) and limitations in activities (21%), bad mood (19.4%). This study seeks to raise awareness about the prevalence of low back pain in employees, determining its causal factors, proposing active rest during working hours and physical activity.


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How to Cite

Morales G., O. A. (2025). Risk factors associated with low back pain in teachers and administrative personnel at the administrative personnel at the UDELAS, Panama campus. REDES, 1(17), 68–80. Retrieved from https://revistas.udelas.ac.pa/index.php/redes/article/view/redes17-4