Rol de los padres en la educación a distancia de estudiantes autistas en el IPHE de Antón


  • Ana Barragán de Moreno Universidad Especializada de las Américas
  • Marleny Justiniani Universidad Especializada de las Américas


autism, distance teaching, role of the parent


Reference is made to the role of parents in the distance education of autistic students in the Panamanian Institute of Special Habilitation (IPHE) of Antón 2020-2021, in the Specialized University of the Americas in Coclé. This study aimed to identify how parents are supporting their children's education, through a new teaching alternative, considering the characteristics of autistic children. In addition, the commitment faced by both the parent and the student was studied. The importance of the dynamic participation of parents employed in virtual classes is highlighted. The design implemented in this research considered the following variables: autism, distance teaching, role of the father of the family. The sample used for this research was five students with autism at Antón's IPHE. In order to know the main data of this research in this descriptive study, a survey was carried out aimed at parents, the results of which reflected the use of different didactic materials and playful strategies to help their children through current education. This demonstrated greater responsibility with their attendants; however, they pointed out that more professional support is required.


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How to Cite

Barragán de Moreno, A., & Justiniani, M. (2022). Rol de los padres en la educación a distancia de estudiantes autistas en el IPHE de Antón. REDES, 1(14), 83–99. Retrieved from