Teaching styles of a group of public school teachers in Panama


  • Lourdes Goicoechea Universidad Latina de Panamá
  • Jessica Chung Universidad Latina de Panamá
  • Ericka Matus Universidad Especializada de Las Américas (UDELAS)


cerebral quadrants, neuroeducation, teaching style, teachers in Panama


A non-experimental and descriptive research was conducted in a probabilistic sample of 1339 public school teachers in Panama, with the objective of knowing the dominant brain quadrants in the different activities used by educators to teach. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Model was taken as a reference. According to the results obtained, it can be seen that the tendency of teachers is to use the right limbic cerebral quadrant. The instrument developed by Herrmann evaluates dominance using the cerebral quadrants left cortical (CI), left limbic (LI), right limbic (LD) and right cortical (CD). The questionnaire reviews ten basic traits that intervene in the teaching process: Personality, Relationship with students, Relationship with classmates, Class preparation, Program, Teaching control, Learning evaluation, Pedagogical support, Teacher meetings and Attitude in class.


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How to Cite

Goicoechea, L., Chung, J., & Matus, E. (2023). Teaching styles of a group of public school teachers in Panama. REDES, 15(1), 107–124. Retrieved from https://revistas.udelas.ac.pa/index.php/redes/article/view/redes15-7