Learning the english language: ICT Resources web 2.0 tools in students at the Specialized University of the Americas (UDELAS)
english language learning, Web 2.0 tools, perception, ICT resources, , social networks and media, ICTAbstract
The growing integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education implies investigating how and under what circumstances these tools support students learning a second language (López et al., 2018). Knowing about ICT resources that students frequently use in such learning is necessary. Thus, this study aimed to analyze ICT resources used in learning the English language in students at UDELAS, in the four faculties and the Panama headquarters. The study was carried out with a quantitative, non-experimental, and descriptive approach. The survey was applied to 718 students (out of 2645 students enrolled in English subjects in the second semester of 2020). Some relevant results were that 56% of the participants believe that Web 2.0 tools are appropriate for learning English, and 62% consider these resources necessary for learning this language. However, 38% to 40% of the participants answered, "I don't know," indicating a relatively emerging use of these tools. Among the social networks most used in the classes, two media resources showed a clear predominance: YouTube, 66%, and Facebook, 18%. Regarding media resources for managing videos and photos, the three main ones were: WhatsApp (61%), Instagram (52%), and Pinterest (30%). Regarding news media in English, 65% chose the option of "none." However, 18% watch news from CNN and 14% from the BBC. From the participants' perception, digital media help them improve essential aspects such as expanding vocabulary, interacting in conversations or chat, and even improving their writing and grammar.
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