Diagnosis of the general mental health conditions in the San Antonio Urbanization in the province of Veraguas
mental health, mental disorder, psychic elements, integral health, protection factor, community healthAbstract
Currently, there are many social changes that have occurred, and caused an increase in the effects on mental health, which, at the time, could be seen as something individual, however, various social factors have caused these to be identified in a community way. This research had the general objective of evaluating the state of mental health and determining the risk factors present within the San Antonio community in the province of Veraguas; A non-experimental qualitative-quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional design was used, in which 280 apartments divided into 34 towers participated, corresponding to 9 families each. In turn, a questionnaire related to symptoms and signs of mental health was used as a measurement instrument, distributed in 16 indicators such as anxiety, depression, stress, sleep problems, risk behaviors, sleep problems, attention, self-esteem, behaviors violent among others that cover the psychic and emotional balance of the sample. The population surveyed for this study was in a range of 20 years and older, of which 84.4% were female and 15.2% male. The results found did not reflect high percentages related to symptoms or specific diagnostic conditions in mental health, on the other hand, it was evidenced that a significant part of the population presents risk factors for depression, anxiety, stress, sleep problems, problems of attention and concentration and coping with traumatic experiences.
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