Methodological guide for activities related to educational tourism at the Universidad Especializada de las Américas
requirement for methodological guide, course plan, knowledge about educational tourismAbstract
The objective of the research is to validate a methodological guide that contributes to the performance of teaching work and benefits the students' experiential experience, in the execution of various academic activities framed in the task of educational tourism. The research is carried out with a mixed quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a descriptive, exploratory and explanatory type of study. Among the most notable results is that regarding the requirement of a methodological guide, from the teachers' perspective, the evaluated sample reported average values greater than the value four (Quite) in 57.1% of the items, while below of four but greater than three (Neutral), by 42.9%. Finally, through the analysis carried out between pre-test and post-test, in the case of teachers, an average of 2.93 was found for the pretest, while in the postest an average of 4.74 was observed, indicating that the result of the average after applying the day of explanation and validation of the methodological guide linked to educational tourism, and when carrying out the test analysis, a value of p<.001 is found, which reflects that the pretest – postest analysis is significant.
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