Effects of a group psychotherapeutic intervention on the self-concept of trans persons living in Panama


  • Yanellis Filós Universidad Especializada de las Américas
  • Iván Samaniego Universidad Latina, Ciudad de Panamá, República de Panamá


Trans people, Self-concept, Psychotherapy, group intervention


The objective of this research work is to demonstrate the effects of a group psychotherapeutic intervention in trans people residing in Panama City in relation to the dimensions of self-concept. For this research, the methodology used was quantitative. The research design used is pre-experimental with pretest - posttest measurements of a single group. In this design, a single group is selected in a non-random manner, which is why it is indicative of a pre-experimental design (Fontes et al., 2012). Seven trans people, members of the Trans-Panama Men Organization, residing in Panama City, were taken as a sample to carry out the group psychotherapeutic intervention. An intervention of 5 weekly sessions was applied, lasting 2 hours (120 minutes), and with the intention of determining if there was an improvement in self-concept, the Self-Concept Questionnaire form 5 (AF5) was applied before and after completing with group intervention. The result of the study shows that in all dimensions there was an increase in the average percentile, especially for the academic-labor dimension p=.028 and the social dimension p=.018, while very slight in the physical, family and emotional dimension.


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How to Cite

Filós, Y., & Samaniego, I. (2025). Effects of a group psychotherapeutic intervention on the self-concept of trans persons living in Panama. REDES, 1(17), 159–174. Retrieved from https://revistas.udelas.ac.pa/index.php/redes/article/view/redes17-9